HTML tutorial menu
Typography is a design element that communicates tone, style, and personality. Our carefully curated selection of typefaces is a testament to the importance we place on legibility, aesthetics, and a seamless visual experience.
Placeholder Image
Font size
Font size is the silent conductor of the visual symphony, orchestrating the balance between readability and aesthetics in digital realm. Our thoughtfully calibrated range of font sizes ensures that every word is not just seen but effortlessly understood and creates a visually engaging and accessible journey for every user.
Header name Size Line Height
Mega 36px 46px
Header 1 32px 42px
Header 2 28px 36px
Header 3 24px 32px
Header 4 20px 30px
Header 5 18px 28px
Header 6 16px 26px
Base 14px 22px
Small Plus 13px 20px
Small 12px 18px
Tiny 11px 16px
Micro 10px 12px
Font weight
Font weight is the most prominent that shapes the visual hierarchy and tone of the text. It goes beyond mere thickness; it's a deliberate choice that communicates strength, emphasis, and personality. Our carefully curated range of font weights caters to the nuances of our content, allowing to strike the perfect balance between prominence and subtlety.
Font weight Reference
Regular 400
Medium 500
Semi bold 600